Announcement - Fumi Workshop - Official VOSAN Modding Partner!
VOSAN would like to give a warm Welcome and Announce our latest Modding Partner Fumi Workshop!
Fumi Workshop is well known and loved for his BMW builds where according to the community, these builds feel really good and closely matching the feel of the real life counterparts.
This accurate physics and builds when it comes to BMW’s has built Fumi’s name as the BMW guy.
But Fumi doesn’t stop there, Fumi creates lots of replica builds from real life drivers, bringing them to life in the simulation world of drifting! From S15, Supra, 200sx and more Fumi isn't locked down to just BMW builds. Fumi is a well rounded mod creator, with attention to details and accurate feeling physics is what he does.
This is why we are very proud to have Fumi Workshop as an official Modding Partner.
You can look forward to his individual car releases along with his loved packs, the Poland Car Pack part 1 and part 2 with plenty of replica cars to enjoy!
Fumi is known for his replica builds, you can find in the BurnGunDrift car pack, a team's cars replicated in the sim.
NIKNAK BMW E36 is another popular build from Fumi.
We are sure you will love his content, go check it out and give his profile a chase, so you never miss his new mod posts.
-Matt | VOSAN Co | Founder.
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